Crystal N. Okorie
Not your average model- not just a model- does model
What do I think about Fashion?
Fashion, changed for me
once I began pursuing it- which is not as easy as it looks.
To me its about self expression.
About finding yourself, and afterwards being fearless enough to express yourself;
your difference
- in a way that others may or may not learn to appreciate.
Its ALL about Attitude, Energy, and Confidence. #ACE
And you don't have to be a model to experience that.
Its about who do I want to become or better place to start Who am I?
Even if it seems like everyone else wants to establish or define what you are.
*Its up to you show them**
not forcibly,
##by the way that you carry yourself,
treat yourself, respect yourself, and most importantly #others ;)
It's abstract really....
- it can only be experienced.
Thats what fashion has become to me - an expression of Life and the people I share it with
Crystal Okorie is a model and entrepreneur from Washington, DC. She currently resides in New York City, where she pursues her career as a model, personal trainer, MBA student in finance and marketing, educator, and business woman. Crystal holds a B.A. in Theatre and Performance Studies from Purchase College Conservatory of Theatre, and is a current MBA student at Southern New Hampshire University with a concentration in Finance and Marketing.
About ME
I model with a vision; I love to be in front of the camera, but being impactful off camera in real tangible ways is just as important to me. I have personal goals that involve education, health, international awareness, business, finance, women's rights, child development and yes - modeling and entertainment. I am passionate about women equality, children and their development , health, fitness, supporting our troops, supporting our men, and yes love and beauty.
Throughout the years I have worked in a variety of fields that have shaped and molded me. I have served as a manager, a staffing agent, a Home Health Aide, make-up artist, personal trainer, waitress, sales/marketing agent, tutor/ teacher, model, actress, analyst, researcher, producer/director, retail coordinator, designer, and writer. I'm fascinated by applied sciences and economics and pursue them as a passionate interest.
I’m dedicated, hardworking, and passionate and I look forward to the fulfillment of my cross spectrum goals
I am Crystal Okorie .
I look forward to inspiring , growing, succeeding, entertaining, learning, and applying . As I continue to grow, I appreciate your support , collaboration, and love.
Attitude, Confidence, Energy
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